
Dropshipping Woocommerce Training 6 Tips to get started!

Hi everyone, today I'm going to show you how to create your own e commerce from A to Z with woocommerce, woocommerce is wordpress with an e commerce plugin.

So rather than paying a shopify almost 30 quid a month, I invite you rather to launch on a Woocommerce which will be just as effective! If you have time to spend on the technical part...

If you want to take it to the next level, find my Yomi Denzel notice by clicking here.

Most of the plugins are free, so I'm not saying you won't pay for stuff, some plugins you'll definitely pay for, but the good thing about woocommerce is that you'll pay for them once.

To read Méthode Kraken de ENZO HONORÉ avis > Développez votre Empire E-commerce

Well, it's not an app that will cost you €7 to €15 or even €30 a month, with Shopify you're just a big cash cow.

Yes, Shopify is not bad, yes, it's fast, yes, it's easy, but I invite you to try it.

But if you don't have much of a budget, it's not ideal.

And then you see tons of them in the last few months of Shopify launching and then stopping.

In addition, Shopify's SEO level is completely 0. I'm not going to dwell on the subject, but in terms of Google referencing, it's really not great.

Most people do Facebook ads So they buy their traffic. That's nice, but not only can it cost you a lot of money, but very few people manage to master Facebook advertising and earn a real income.

There are only about 5 % in the whole e-commerce sphere 2 people who really succeed in earn money through this channel.

To read FBA Accélérateur avis sur la formation de Liberté Digitale

In addition, the market is very saturated and Facebook ads are used by a lot of dropshipping merchants.

So I invite you rather to start in e-commerce by doing SEO because when we talk about long term business it is still more interesting because the traffic is free and you target mainly hot prospects coming from Google who are clearly looking to buy a product.

For this and if you really want to get into long term DropShipping I strongly recommend the Fred Zibette's training course - take a look by clicking HERE.

So the first thing to do to start your e-business is to register a domain name. For this I invite you to go to Internet BS Here I will put you the link in the description of the video Internet BS and registrar so there you type your domain name Anything the domain name that you want And then you can buy it a domain name costs about 7 to 15 € Something like that it depends on the extension that you choose Me I advise you if you are on the French business to take a domain name in dot fr Because it is a domain name intended for France and therefore the French business on the other hand you can quite take a domain name in .com that poses no problem.

Another thing is that I strongly advise you to start on a expired domain name and why because an expired domain name and a domain name that belonged to someone who therefore has a Google history potentially it has been referenced so it has backlinks.

That is to say that other sites make links to it and this year is a strong indicator for Google in the referencing. So simply you will be able to choose an expired domain name and in a thematic which has a history and which will thus have more weight on Google because it is already known by Google and which has potentially a certain authority on Google.

It is always better to start from a expired domain names because, given the history, you will have more weight and more ease in the search engine optimization process and therefore better positioning in the results according to your keywords. It will also be easier to do SEO on a expired domain name.

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I had made you a video on PBN premium PBN premium it will allow you to search for domain names Expirer En point .fr .com and all the other extensions and in the theme that you will have chosen. I had made a video on this and I will put the link of the video just below. You can go and have a look at it and make your own opinion to buy expired domain names it's not bad and rather effective.

So once you have registered your domain name you go to my account Mydomaine You select the domain name you just bought You click on it And you go to update DNS list So there you will put the DNS of your host So I am at o2switch I will put you the link of the host just below the video O2switch and a French host who is really top personally it's been years that I am with them It seems to me that is about 6 € per month for a totally unlimited hosting you can host the number of domain name you want to create as many email address as you want and you will not be not It seems to me that it's about 6 € per month for a totally unlimited hosting you can host the number of domain name you want to create as many email address as you want and you will not be limited in hard disk space either it's a powerful host the disk space is on SSD disks so it goes fast and the resources allocated to your hosting space are quite suitable for a wordpress or for an ecommerce or even several.

You will have no limit as to the number of domains to host or the number of email addresses you can create. It's really a top host with a very accessible and friendly technical support team who are always ready to help you as soon as possible. I request them very very regularly They always answer in time and are always very nice I have never had any problems with them even though I have been with them for years I think since 2011 So I really recommend you o2switch You can click on the link below the video to take a hosting with them.

So let's go back to our DNS To make your domain name point to your host In our case o2switch You will put NS1. o2switch.Net same for the line below except that you will put in NS2 In general we put two DNS to make your domain name point to your host. Click HERE to see the accommodation offer!

Once this is done you have told your registrars to which your domain name must point us In our case it is the host o2switch You can go to the o2switch cPanel The o2switch cPanel is simply the interface that will allow you to manage all the back-office of your website This is where everything happens This is where you will be able to manage the web hosting add domain names add email addresses set up the https exetera

So first you will need to add the domain name for this simply click on additional domain Then it will simply add your domain name Then it will automatically put you under root document domain and then you click on Add domain to it is not worth creating an FTP account associated with this additional domain

You just have to wait a few moments and it will add your domain name to your hosting domain name that I specify that you bought from internet BS After a few moments the domain name and well add it was created on the hosting so now will click on back we will click here to return to the management interface of cPanel then we will set up something very important we will set up the encryption if you make an ecommerce it's really something very important this will allow you to have the little green padlock and indicate that your website is secure

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So just click on letsencrypt You go down and you take the domain name that you've just added and you click on generate you leave everything that appears by default and you click on generate.

Here is the SSL certificate and to currently installed on the domain name that we have chosen and then I can click on back I come back to the cPanel interface

And now I can install WordPress simply by going to the Softaculous installed application and clicking on WordPress

Softaculous will allow you in a few clicks to install WordPress, Joomla or Prestashop in a very simplified way. Personally I only use wordpress and Prestashop

So we click on WordPress we arrive here and we click on Install now then we choose a protocol we choose HTTPS we choose the domain name we indicate the root we leave it by default then site name we write the name of the site here we leave it by default it is possible to personalize it later and that's what I'm going to do to the user name we try not to leave admin by default but rather put a pseudo that corresponds rather to the theme of the site then we generate a password by clicking here we put a pseudo that corresponds rather to the theme of the site I'm going to do with the user name we're going to try not to leave admin by default but rather to put a nickname that corresponds rather to the theme of the site then we generate a password by clicking here here we're going to put an email address I advise you to create an email address with the extension of your domain name and I'll show you right away afterwards how to create an email address. I will show you right after how to create an email address in your cPanel management interface because this email address does not exist yet, we will have to create it. We will click here to limit login attempts as a security measure. automatic upgrades, automatic WordPress plugin updates and automatic WordPress theme updates then we can click on install. As you can see, it's very quick to install WordPress then we can click on the URL of the admin panel to access the WordPress back office directly.office of WordPress now we would go to.

So here we have created our WordPress site, the site is online If we click here to go to the site we can see that the site is online and that it is accessible from the web

For the moment the site is empty but it is online

To read How to use dropshipping with Shopify to develop your online shop?

As I told you earlier, we're going to be able to configure an email address, so we're going to go back to our cPanel in order to configure an email address for our domain name, so we're going to click on Add an email account, we're going to put in the email contact section, then we're going to take our domain name, we're going to generate a password, we're going to paste it in the password confirmation section, we're going to put it in the unlimited section, and we're going to click on create an account.

ok cool once it's done so you don't have to check all the time your email address we'll put a director that will allow you to redirect all the emails directly to your main email address the one you check every day so we'll click on Add a redirector address to transfer so we'll put contact arobase the domain name and we'll click on transfer to the email address and we'll put for example your Gmail address so that you'll always be warned if you receive an email on the address of this site here I like to do that it's still more practical here it's good so now an email will be sent to your email address From your website it will be automatically redirected to your main address your gmail for example or your hotmail address or whatever

So now we're going to get down to business, we're going to install your businesses. So we're going to go to our blog's dashboard and I'll show you in a second video how to install woocommerce and all the plugins needed to make your press voice work, I hope you'll enjoy this video and that you'll have a good understanding of how to buy your domain name and how to direct it to your hosting. PBN premium to learn how to get a domain name expires and for your next e-commerce Then again I really advise you o2switch I leave you the link below the video And so as you can see it is very simple to set up and I say to you next video for the installation of woocommerce to make an e-commerce at a more affordable price that it belongs to you and just as good as a site made with Shopify.

Find the complete file on Dropshipping in 2022!

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