
Free Amazon FBA training in 2024, Become an E-commerce expert on this marketplace!

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You wish to train for Amazon FBA for free ? Have you realized that this is currently one of the best businesses you can start on the Internet? Want to know more about Amazon FBA without breaking the bank?

Start on Amazon FBA is a real business that could well allow you to become financially free. But it is crucial for you to avoid the mistakes that most beginners make. Bad choices could discourage you or worse lead to financial problems or legal. We agree, all you want is earn money on the internet.

Don't panic, we are really passionate about this subject and we know exactly how to help you.

In this article you will discover:

  • The secret steps used by sellers who generate thousands of dollars every month on Amazon
  • Why go to Amazon FBA is a very good idea
  • How much money you can generate each month
  • Everything you need to know before you start


Very soon the business on Amazon FBA will no longer hold any secrets for you and you will only have one idea in mind, to launch successful products on Amazon.

To read Faire.com avis et Guide Complet pour les Vendeurs la Marketplace B2B

At 100%, you will master the tools used by the biggest sellers who succeed in all their product launches.

Let's find out together right now.

Free Amazon FBA Course for Selling on Amazon

Training to sell on Amazon is really essential and I talk about it in this article on Amazon Revolution Reviews.

On the other hand, when one has little means one can want Amazon course fba free of charge.

That's why I'm offering you today to watch 5 totally free videos on how to start a business on Amazon.

When we see the fortune amassed by Jeff BezosAmazon's boss in 2020, it is clear that the king of e-Commerce is him! And you can literally take a piece of this huge cake!

I am my boss.com opinion

Olivier Allain offers Amazon courses to get you started simply and for free.


To read Méthode Kraken de ENZO HONORÉ avis > Développez votre Empire E-commerce


Best amazon fba training

You're really going to get some heavy stuff in this series of 5 videos to start selling on Amazon. You can also check out our page about best Amazon FBA trainings in 2024!

To go even further, you will have to pay for the complete training program, but it's really worth it!

In this course you will learn how to attract the right customers to your store without having to do SEO or manage logistics.

Indeed, when you have an online store with a CMS like prestashop, shopify or Woocommerce, you have to manage everything including the back office which can be complex and technical.

With Amazon FBAYou can start selling and delivering your products very easily by creating product files on the various marketplaces. This way you have an eCommerce solution that is up and running in a few moments and allows you to make sales right away. In this article, I explain how I combine Jarvee and Amazon.

In the article Amazon FBA, reasons to take an Amazon FBA training I explain what the program is and why you should train. That said, it is possible to train yourself (you must have a vendor account to access the following link) with the Seller University from Amazon.

To read FBA Accélérateur avis sur la formation de Liberté Digitale

Here are the steps you need to take to compete with Amazon merchants

Create a vendor account

This is the crucial step where you will have to create an account on the central Amazon seller. This is something quite simple to do, but I advise you to start directly as a self-employed entrepreneur or as a company.

Becoming an Auto Entrepreneur is a simple process that is ONLY done on the Urssaf website here.

You will also need a blue card and an ID and a cell phone to create your seller account, by the way here is the direct link to register as a seller on Amazon.

Find a product

Almost everything is sold on Amazon. So you can get started on any product!

It will simply depend on the budget you invest in your company. Indeed, if you want to launch on an ultra competitive product your budget will have to be accordingly.

Both in the amount of stock you will buy and in the advertising budget you will invest.

I therefore advise you to analyze the competition before you launch and avoid a big failure. Tools like Helium 10, Egrow, Jungle Scout or even AmzScout will allow you to have a clear idea before you start.

To read Comment créer votre boutique en ligne efficacement avec Shopify?

Indeed, having the right tools to make the right decisions and establish your marketing strategyIt's really CRUCIAL.

Find a supplier

There are many ways to find a supplier.

Sites like Aliexpress, DhGate, Big Buy, Alibaba are all suppliers where you can find ideas and source your products.

Alibaba is the best known because you can be in direct contact with factories in China. At the time of writing this is Chinese New Year's Day 2020Rat (Metal)" and the Coronavirus So you might as well say that you'll have to wait a bit.

On the other hand, if you look hard enough you can easily find products for sale on Amazon in Europe and even in France. There are advantages to that like short delivery times and low customs fees. By the way, you can follow step by step all the good practices to find French suppliers and make quality in Amazon FBA Training the most complete in France !

Get good prices

Negotiating must become a reflex but you will have to do it finely especially with the Chinese.

For this I advise you to read some books !

To read Comment créer un site de commerce en ligne en quelques étapes simples ?

Doing tests

Once you have found your supplier, you must absolutely test the merchandise by asking for a sample.

It is out of the question to order 2000 products without having tested them at least a little. It would be suicidal to send the products directly to Amazon.

Repatriate the goods to Amazon

This part can be quite easy if you negotiate with your supplier to glue the Amazon labels before shipping directly to Amazon's warehouses.

On the other hand, for some suppliers you will have to do it yourself, i.e. bring the goods back to your home and label the products.

When you are a beginner, it is perhaps the best thing to do in order to understand the operation from start to finish, then you delegate.

Create and optimize ads

Creating a listing on Amazon or more commonly known as a product sheet is extremely simple.

You will only need to provide a ASIN for your product, put good quality photos, good keywords (mainly in the title) again HElium 10 will be of great help to you to optimize your files.

Advertise and implement a marketing strategy

To launch a listing or a freshly created product sheet it is almost a must.

You absolutely must make your product visible and make sales in order for your listing to rank well.

Amazon's search algorithm does not work the same way as Google's.

To be well placed on Amazon you must:

  • Have an optimized form
  • Have the right key words
  • Have a good conversion rate
  • Make sales every day
  • Have at least 10 good comments

It is therefore essential to launch advertising in order to make your product take off. This will increase your BSR and your sales will be affected.

Again, all these really crucial steps are explained in a comprehensive manner in Amazon FBA training.

Create a brand by registering it at the INPI

Once you are making sales and your business is doing well, it is time to think about registering your trademark.

Creating a brand will allow you to have functionality that you don't have as a traditional seller at Amazon.

When you own a trademark that you have registered with the INPI and in the Brand Registrery from Amazon you will be able to protect your products from file squatters but you will have access to additional services such as requests for comments on your files by the Amazon Vine Tester's Club.

Please note that you will have to register your trademark at the INPI first (4-5 months delay) and then when you have the INPI papers apply to Amazon.

Once again, if you want to avoid making mistakes, all the steps are well detailed in the Amazon Revolution training.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me ask directly here


We have shown you that it is possible to become your own boss and generate thousands of euros each month by becoming a seller on Amazon.

If you follow the program well you will be able to sell almost any product.

This is an important decision and should not be taken lightly: you must be sure at 100% of your choice.

For this reason, we recommend that you carefully follow the free training (Read our review of Julien Oseille TV's Super seller Academy) before you make your decision and find out if it is right for you.

Discover the training for free now by clicking on the button below.


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