
How to measure the effectiveness of CTA/CTR

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How to measure the CTR on your blog or e-commerce.

Everyone wants a high conversion rate on CTAs on their website to make lots of money.

What is CTA?

Call To Action. This will be the "add to cart" button, for example.

The Click Through Rate CTR is the rate of clicks on a link.

Whether it's an affiliate link or an Add to Cart click, CTR measures the percentage of people who will click where you want them to. Also on your CTA or Call to Action (Add to Cart / Click Here) defines your call to action for the visitor.

Your visitors don't go where you want them to?

But in reality your visitors are not only focused where you want them to be and therefore it becomes difficult to make sales.

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Very often a visitor will come several times before deciding to buy or interact with your brand or site.

So the real question is how to track down these people and optimise your content to capture them in your sales tunnel.

This means that you should not only focus on a strong CTA.

You should always focus on all the links that are going to perform more or less well on your blog posts.

However, it requires a little more effort.

Is it a waste of time to track down individual links and their CTR? NO

How can this be achieved?

In this article I want to help you answer this question to help you grow your business in the long term.

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Does the analysis of individual links really matter? YES!

Think about all the different elements in your blog post or product sheet.

Just to name a few you have internal links, external links, images, social sharing buttons, their CTR and comments.

If you consider all these elements working together to create something coherent, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the number of parameters to analyse.

So you have to answer this very important question...

Which of these elements is currently the most clickable and contributes the most to my click through rate (CTR) and revenue?

When you want to optimise your website, the CTR is the metric that marketers look at to evaluate the profitability of a page.

Depending on what you sell the click through rate can vary enormously.

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Knowing the CTR of a page perfectly means analysing a lot of data!

All this data gives you an overall behaviour but does not tell you anything very significant about the elements of the page that contribute to the overall CTR metric.

This means that you have a rather vague idea of the user experience on your blog!

To have actionable data you need to start by understanding which link contributes to the overall customer or visitor experience.

User Experience focuses on how the user interacts with your website...

If they have a good experience they will be happy customers.

Happy customers are easier to retain, easier to promote your brand to and more likely to buy from.

However, if you don't know what elements contribute or detract from the user experience you will never be able to create a blog post that actually brings in conversions!

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Your content is the vital part of all the phases leading to a positive ROI, you must improve the user experience!

So every link and its CTR is very important to measure the engagement of your users!

Knowing this rate for each element of your blog post will help you in a wide variety of cases...

If the CTR of a product or service on your site is not getting any clicks it may be because your visitor is distracted by other links or other elements on your page!

Not knowing what is actually clicked on your page leaves you in a total limbo...

If your site or business is based on affiliate links and you don't know how many clicks you'll get, it's impossible to estimate your revenue growth.

So there are several steps to tracking your links and their CTR. It is worth the time, attention and investment.

Your goal is to find a way to track these links and actions on your posts, in order to evaluate clicks and their CTR and thus increase your sales.

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It starts with creating content that converts.

So how do you write content that converts?

The first thing you need to know is that copywriting does not involve describing as well as a writer.

If you answer the objections and questions of your potential customers you will have a great chance to convert!

Thus, creating polls or surveys with tools such as surveymonkey, for example, can help you address customer objections.

You can simply ask them what else you would like to see on this site or on a particular page?

What information do you think would be most relevant to your questions or objections? The aim is to get as much feedback as possible from your readers.

Another important point is that the first 10 lines of your content will only be read by 2 out of 10 people!

It is therefore very important to hook your potential customer right away.

So you need to get straight to the point and address a problem that your potential customer might have.

By doing this, many more people will be likely to read the rest of your article.

Another thing to know is that the length of your text does not really matter.

Some people will find it too short and others will find it too long - it is difficult to please everyone.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether your text is short or long.

All that matters is that you respond immediately to an objection or question or problem that your customer has.

If you can answer all of your audience's objections and questions in a simple and concise way right away, you have won.

If it is not possible to do this in a short and concise way, then write a long text and cover the whole topic.

To sum up, it is not the size that counts but rather responding immediately to a problem in the best possible way.

The fourth thing to keep in mind is that you will have different types of users visiting your website.

Consider them as segments.

  • Some people will be ready to buy right away.
  • Other people will just be doing research.
  • Others will simply want to know what your product does or sells or what it can do for them.

In short, you will have understood that each person has his own reasons for visiting your site.

You will need to identify to what type of people you have to deal with in each situation.

So try to put yourself in your visitor's shoes.

Imagine different scenarios in order to be in their heads and to give them what they want!

So make sure you have different texts or different pages for each type of customer segment.

Crazyegg.com is a site that will allow you to accurately analyse your website. It allows you to know what people are really looking at on your site or page:

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Crazzy Egg
To conclude Part 5.

What you need to consider but not least in your copywriting article and customer care.

You will be lucky if 5% of your visitors buy from your website.

Most people don't go out and buy, that's a fact.

On the other hand, you must absolutely succeed in collecting a maximum number of emails to convince these people with a series of well thought-out emails over the long term.

Hellobar.Com is a free site to place a bar on your site to collect emails from your visitors.

Have the emails of your visitors allows you to stay in touch with them.

The aim is to gradually convince them to return to your website.

Then they can finally take action and buy something from you.

It is therefore more important to get the email of as many people as possible.

You need to keep in touch and potentially convert them into customers.

The CTA is very important in e-commerce and if you are dropshipping.

Discover the complete file on the Dropshipping training!

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