
How to choose a free or paid CRM software for your company?

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If you are ready to integrate a CRM in your company, you are on the right page! Here, we propose to give you some keys that will help you choose your future software solution among the different proposals available on the market.

This integration will allow you to increase your power and eliminate a number of problems such as: abandoned shopping baskets, missed appointments, loss of information due to contract stoppages, etc. However, between paid and free software, it is not always easy to make a choice.

Indeed, if free is an unstoppable argument, free solutions do have some limitations. All our explanations on how to choose your free or paid CRM software can be found in the rest of this guide. Focus.

1 - Defining your needs, an essential step in choosing a CRM


It is important to see the choice of a CRM as a real project. Moreover, the deployment of such a tool within an organisation can represent a real challenge. This is why it is essential to target a product that is adapted to the size of the company so that the integration goes as smoothly as possible.

When a company chooses a CRM, it must first of all orient its preferences towards a tool adapted to its needs. There are CRMs dedicated to large companies and others dedicated to SMEs, VSEs, start-ups, and even self-employed entrepreneurs. Some CRMs can be totally adaptable thanks to advanced customisation options. In this case, they will generally suit most structures.

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As you can see, it is necessary to specify the size of the company and the intended use of the future customer relationship management tool. This will allow you to refine the list of possible CRMs.

2 - Define the resources available for CRM integration

Integrating a CRM into a company always requires the mobilisation of certain resources. These are both human and financial resources, because you will discover that even in the case of free CRMs, additional costs are almost always involved.

In a large company, implementing a CRM will require an investment of time and money. First of all, it is necessary to plan for a person to take charge of integrating the software solution within the company. Secondly, it is often necessary to set up a suitable training course to teach the various users how to use their new tool.

At the same time, paid CRMs will require a monthly or annual subscription. While there are CRMs that offer a fixed cost, others make their price evolve according to the number of users. This is therefore another element to be taken into account.

In the case of a free CRM, the tool is certainly not subject to a charge, but its integration requires the intervention of an external technician whose service is invoiced. Finally, another element to note: the functionalities and number of users of a free CRM are almost always limited.

The purchase of paid features is therefore often essential. If, on the face of it, a free CRM does not require any resources, you now know that, in reality, this statement is a little more nuanced.

3 - Selecting a high-performance CRM tool

Once you have defined your needs and resources, all that remains is to choose your CRM. If you have done your research well, you should have some CRM ideas at this point in your project.

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Several CRM solutions are available on the market. When you search the web, you will find a plethora of all-in-one solutions ready to use. If you find what you are looking for, well, that's fine. All you have to do is to approach the platform concerned and start the process of signing up for the tool.

You will find solutions that offer a paid subscription and solutions that offer free solutions. In this second category, there are several ways of working. It can be a free trial or in other cases, a free version with limited functionality.

It is also quite possible to opt for the development of an internal solution based on an open source CRM. This will allow you to benefit from a high level of customisation that is not always possible with ready-to-use CRMs. If you have your own internal processes that you want to fully exploit, this is a solution to consider.

If, despite your efforts, you are unable to make a choice, you should know that you can always talk to the service providers whose tool you are interested in. This solution will also allow you to test the responsiveness of the support and the quality of the customer service. Some service providers may also offer a demonstration session (demo) to help you decide whether or not the proposed CRM could meet your expectations.

Bonus: a selection of some of the best CRMs on the market

There is no shortage of CRM solutions. Here is a brief selection of some CRMs that are known for their overall performance:

  • Pipedrive
  • Hubspot CRM
  • Monday sales CRM
  • Koban CRM
  • Salesforce
  • Crisp
  • Agile CRM
  • Axonaut

These are just a few examples of the many products available. Among these, you will find various subscriptions and prices. Some also offer free versions. In any case, we leave you to your research, because remember that this is the only way to find the best CRM for your company.

In conclusion:

Free or paid, you now know how to choose a CRM for your company. As you will have understood, the choice depends mainly on your needs. When expectations are high, it is almost impossible to stay on a free CRM choice. Indeed, advanced solutions and tools are always paid.

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However, there are CRMs available at different prices, which means that you can find a product that suits your budget. Whatever the case, the benefits to be gained from such a tool are immense. So don't hesitate any longer and make your choice now in order to start your company's growth as soon as possible!

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