
How do I cancel Shopify?

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If you intend to delete your Shopify shop and then create a new one or just pause it, you will have to stop or terminate your Shopify subscription. To do this, there are multiple solutions to stop the subscription. We will tell you more about this in this article! Please read the following carefully to find out more.

How do I cancel my Shopify app subscription?

This will depend on whether you have used or installed an internal or external application in the store Shopify appand whether they can activate their services outside of Shopify. Here is what is recommended to do:

  • You must remove all Shopify applications manually from your store;
  • The following should be noted Shopify applications installed ;
  • You must then log in to the interface of each application if there is an external connection, and then check if your subscription is suspended and if your account has been cancelled;
  • Finally, you must close your blind.

If you are using an external application to the Shopify app storeIf you have not yet subscribed to the app, you will have to go to the app's website to cancel the subscription! The simple deletion should otherwise allow the suspension of the subscription. If your shop is valuable, you should not forget that you can put it up for sale.

How do I reactivate my Shopify subscription?

The suspension and pausing of a Shopify subscription are relatively simple. This is a pretty good solution if you want to set up new things or if you want to take a step back before dedicating yourself completely to dropshipping.

If you feel ready, you can simply come back and reactivate your account. All you have to do is access the administrator interface. You should then disable the "pause" or "pause and build" option. After that you can get your Shopify account and resume your activities.

It is also possible to put your shop on standby. In this way, you can continue to work on it. It will be as if your shop had simply been in maintenance. The "pause and build" option will allow you to perform some tasks. These include:

To read Découvrez Shopify avec 60 jours d’essai gratuit

  • Access to basic reports on the performance of your shop;
  • Access to the interface Shopify administrator ;
  • Displaying the shop on the Internet ;
  • Finally, it will allow you to accept manual payments through preliminary orders.

This is an option that has proven to be very convenient, especially since when you want to reopen it, it will not be complicated. However, you will have to pay 9 dollars for this. You will not be able to make any more sales. Customers will still be able to see your products, but they will not be able to make a purchase. Many other actions can no longer be done on the shop such as :

  • Recovery of abandoned baskets;
  • Third party and other integrations, etc.

In case all this is not part of your plans and you simply want to move on or open a other Shopify shop later, simply delete it.


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