
Jungle Scout Reviews | Find the Winning Product for sale on Amazon

Jungle Scout Opinion

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Looking for a product to sell on Amazon?

Jungle Scout is the best tool for finding profitable products to sell on Amazon.

With Jungle Scout you can find out which products are selling well and how much money they are making.

There is also a Chrome extension that will help you quickly validate whether or not a product is worth your time by giving you all the key information in one place.

You won't need to spend hours searching through lists and researching - Jungle Scout does it all for you!

Jungle Scout has helped over 100,000 people find success with their online businesses. Let's get started today!

To read Faire.com avis et Guide Complet pour les Vendeurs la Marketplace B2B

Click below now for a free trial of Jungle Scout today!


What is Jungle Scout for?

Nowadays, finding ideas for Winner products is really extremely simple with jungle scout. So I'm going to give you my honest opinion about this tool!

Indeed, thanks to the information that the software will provide you with, you will be able to have a clear vision of the best products that work on marketplaces like Amazon.

My opinion on Jungle Scout and its features

To start your e-commerce business and sell products on Amazon you need the right tools to avoid making mistakes that could cost you dearly.

The data provided by this software will allow you to make the right decisions and identify the potential of a product.

But you may ask me what is a good product and how to find the product that will make you rich ?

A good product is a product that already sells, this is really the basis for success on Amazon, the marketplaces but also on the Internet in drop shipping with Shopify.

To read FBA Accélérateur avis sur la formation de Liberté Digitale

So software like Jungle Scout is the best way to help you make sales and generate revenue on the Amazon FBA marketplace (ship via amazon) Saving money.

You can very quickly lose a lot of money if you make a mistake in your product selection.


Jungle Scout packages and offers

JungleScout package prices
JungleScout package prices

Jungle Scout Web Access at 39$ per month

In this package you have access to the entire Jungle Scout database. However, you don't get the Chrome extension.

Jungle Scout and Best of Both Worlds Extension at 49$ per month

In this package you will not only have access to all of Jungle Scout but also to the Chrome Browser extension which allows you to have real-time stats on all Amazon Marketplaces.

Chrome Extension Only at 19$ per month

Here you only benefit from the Chrome extension. I advise you to switch to the extension in a second time when you master your market.

jungle scout pricing & plans monthly membership costs jungle scou www.junglescout.com

How to find the right idea or product to sell on Amazon?

Jungle Scout will allow you to evaluate the sales potential and find products for your business ecommerce on Amazon.

To read Comment créer votre boutique en ligne efficacement avec Shopify?

The Niche hunter feature will clearly assist you in finding product ideas to sell on Amazon.

Jungle Scout has a huge database that will allow you to search for product ideas in every conceivable niche.

This will allow you to analyse your competitors' Amazon product listings while looking at the potential turnover and sales you can achieve.

Jungle scout: find your supplier on Alibaba

Once you have found the product you want to sell, you need to find a supplier.

Alibaba remains a reference for Asian suppliers. The key is to find the supplier who will provide you with a quality product for the product you want to sell on Amazon.

The advantage is that you can easily negotiate the addition of your brand or logo on the products you buy from the supplier via Alibaba.

It is quite possible to do Dropshipping.

To read Quelles sont les dernières avancées majeures de Shopify en 2024 ?

Dropshipping on Amazon remains a risky practice for your seller account because Amazon is completely uncompromising on delivery times and customer satisfaction.

I would therefore advise against trying to Dropshipping with Amazon, however this is a very common practice on eBay.

Jungle scout has a chrome extension compatible with Amazon France

In addition to the web application, you can use a Google Chrome application that will allow you to analyse the data from the Amazon site in real time from your browser.

These are really handy to have the product information of competitors and target products.

It can also provide relevant information on your own product sheets.

How much does jungle scout cost?

You will have to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to benefit from the features of jungle scout.

I'm telling you straight out don't even try to crack a program like jungle scout because on the one hand you risk picking up a virus but on top of that you'll have completely distorted data not to mention the fact that it's all completely illegal.

To read Envie de créer votre boutique en ligne facilement ?

There is no free version of jungle scout, but you can see the prices of jungle scout for both the web application and the chrome application directly on the jungle scout price page.


Jungle scout alternative

If you are not completely satisfied with jungle scout, there are alternatives to this tool.

A tool such as Helium 10 or Egrow Are serious competitors to jungle scout.

Helium 10 is clearly a very, very powerful tool that will clearly position itself as the most serious competitor to jungle scout.

The strength of Helium 10 is that it combines very relevant tools for searching for products on Amazon but also for keyword research, competitor analysis, ad optimisation, and monitoring your product listings to avoid listing squat.

Why sell on Amazon?

To sell on Amazon you don't need to create a merchant site like prestashop, woocommerce or shopify.

Moreover, you will not have to do the tedious natural referencing that a site requires. Be aware that in addition to the need to attract a lot of traffic to your website (whatever CMS you use) you will need to convert your prospects into customers. All e-tailers know how difficult it is to get a proper conversion rate on their website.

On Amazon, the world leader in e-commerce, the conversion rate is extremely high and it will be easy for you to sell a product simply by creating your listing (product sheet)

Another advantage is that you won't have to worry about logistics either as all your products will be stored and shipped by Amazon.


On the other hand, it's not easy to sell on Amazon... You need to be well trained and that's why I advise you to go and see the article on Amazon FBA training.

Jungle Scout testimonials!

Hicham Seller on AmazonOn its own account
I started on Amazon in mid 2019 out of necessity! I wanted to become free and run a fatherly business for my family and myself. I struggled at first but using Jungle Scout I was able to increase my efficiency tenfold and put in place strategies that allow me to be serene from now on. I only work a few hours a week and I generate more than 10K€ of profit each month on my company!
Sabrina Mum first, With her own business
I am a mother and manager of an online shop on Amazon, I stock my products at Amazon to deliver my customers in 24 hours. When I set up my brand in the baby niche I had to analyse in depth the competition and the potential income I could generate with my products. Jungle Scout saved me a lot of time and allowed me to make the right product choices for my brand. I am currently generating 45,000 euros in sales per month on Amazon.
Jean Retired but self-employed
I have always been very active and when I retired I wanted to supplement my income to travel with my wife and finally enjoy life. So I set up my own small business selling on Amazon. I didn't want to manage stocks, deliveries and after sales service... and even less a complicated website. I naturally turned to the service FBA from Amazon. By adopting the Jungle Scout tool I was able to build up a comfortable monthly income in passive income

Your questions about Jungle Scout FAQ

✅ How to use jungle scout?

Jungle scout is available as a web application but can also be used with a chrome extension

✅ Seller pulse or jungle scout?

Jungle Scout clearly has a larger database than Seller Pulse

✅ Jungle Scout or Egrow?

Honestly I really prefer Egrow

✅ Jungle Scout or Helium 10?

Helium 10 is really much more complete and will allow you to go much further on Amazon, but you will pay the price

Find the best product for dropshipping

Unlike selling products on Amazon, which consists of placing your product at the top of certain specific searches, dropshipping consists of obtaining customers largely through ads. If there is one thing to know about dropshipping, it is that it is really important toidentify the best products to have a high conversion rate!

Now that you have understood the purpose of dropshipping, you have realised that one of the most important factors in this field is to market and put before the eyes of your potential customers a product that will make them fall in love with it at first sight!

If for some people finding a winning product proves to be the most difficult phase in dropshipping, it is possible to train yourself in order to learn the nuts and bolts of this activity and to easily target potential winning products. If some people think that dropshipping is just an illusion, make no mistake, because with the help of training and a solid foundation you will be able to make droppshiping your livelihood!

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