
What's stopping us from moving forward

To succeed in life and gain independence is not a simple thing... It requires a lot of questioning and a lot of work.

On the other hand, the mindset is something that can be shaped to think in a winning way!

So what are the things that prevent us from moving forward in life, in the projects and in what we undertake:

  • Complaining, everyone likes to be complained about but it is a state of mind that keeps you in a negative mindset.
  • Believing to know, people who "know everything" keep themselves in a path where they cannot learn because they close themselves off.
  • There will always be people around you who will prevent you from moving forward and reaching your dreams. It is important to identify them and not let them influence you!
  • Living in the past, if you have experienced a "failure" you should not stay stuck on it, the important thing is to learn from it! Thomas Edison said :

     I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 solutions that don't work.

  • Habits die hard! Changing habits is something that is possible to achieve.
  • Buy only passive! Stop buying the latest iPhone on credit! Do you really need it?
  • Procrastination! One of the worst things about procrastination is that it is always putting off your ideas and projects until tomorrow.
  • Fear, everyone is afraid! It is legitimate to be afraid but it will never avoid danger so taking a risk is the only way to move forward!
  • "I don't have a choice" We all have a choice, it's easy to say but it's a reality! You have the choice to take a risk and even to succeed! Even if you fail, in the end you will have learned! The main thing is to be in the right measure and make the choice to take measured risks...
  • Routine, we all have our habits and our daily routine... break this P**** routine!
  • Being under the impression that you need to have "THE right idea" to get started... that's another mistake! Don't try to reinvent the wheel and take action!
  • Know how to seize opportunities, stay on the lookout.
  • Convince yourself that you are capable!
  • The look of the others... Stop it !
  • Stay enthusiastic and persistent, as Winston Churchill said:

    Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm

  • Taking action
  • Delivering value

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