
Lucas Bivert Avis, Dropshipping Training Ecom Empire 4

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If you are interested in Dropshipping it is because you really want to start a business for different reasons.
Be aware that first of all money should not be your only objective and an end in itself.
What you need to think about is what all this money will do for you.
Go to more restaurants with your family, go out for a drink when you feel like it, take a breath of fresh air by paying for a great holiday, sleep soundly without worrying about money, pay a sports coach to get in shape, or even attract pretty women... LOL
we all need security, to live in a stable environment, to foresee problems, to avoid entities and crises and this is clearly what money allows.
In addition, money can boost your ego if you need recognition and appreciation from others.
Quite frankly earning a lot of money can lead to a sense of self-fulfilment.



When you listen to Lucas Bivert's training you immediately realise that he is actually very humble about his success.

His goal? To motivate as many people as possible to follow in his footsteps and become financially independent like him.

Of Belgian origin, Lucas Bivert was a good classical student with certain facilities that allowed him to have good results with little work.

He was a normal student, who was heading for a career in communication and journalism. Like everyone else he did odd jobs, Student Jobs, during his holidays to get some money.

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The trigger...

lucas bivert

In 2018, Tim Ferris' book (which I recommend, by the way): The 4H week, causes a click for Lucas. He decides who doesn't want a life already written, Salaried, Metro work sleep then retirement to really enjoy...

After some online failures, he focused on his studies to pass his exams. In his second year of communication studies, he regrets having stopped his online business.

In mid 2018, he left school at only 19 years old to start his own business. He is currently living off online business and travel the world...

What we can remember is that he has had a lot of criticism from people close to him and he has sacrificed a lot to work hard to get to this point.

At the beginning he had only 600€ to start and he burnt it all in Facebook advertising without having any real result.

Several student jobs over several months allowed him to save 500€ to get started.

To read Méthode Kraken de ENZO HONORÉ avis > Développez votre Empire E-commerce

Having followed several American training courses, he has taken massive action to finally achieve, with a lot of perseverance, a brilliant success!

So are you ready to invest in reaching the top? Read on to the end (£500 Free)!

The training that Lucas Bivert offers will certainly bring you (provided that you invest yourself of course) a certain number of benefits that will allow you to realise your dreams by having an e-commerce Dropshipping business on the Internet.

We are talking about a real life change!

We are talking about an extremely complete and high level training.
In addition, you also have access to a community that helps each other and gives you the opportunity to exchange ideas.
Not only that, but you'll also have access to real coaching to help you achieve your drop shipping success goals.



Ecom Empire Training that empowers you

I know that you are here to get richto be independent in your life etc...

But you also need to be resourceful and independent in your business.

To read Comment créer votre boutique en ligne efficacement avec Shopify?

I am not saying that you have to know how to do everything, but it is crucial to acquire a certain number of skills in order to be able to delegate later on.

How can you delegate if you don't have an end-to-end view of your business?

It is exactly this methodology and organisation that you need that you will get in the Ecom training Empire by Lucas Bivert.

You will need to assimilate all the knowledge and take massive action.

It's a puzzle, the dropshipping and ecommerce business is a puzzle, or a recipe if you prefer, if there is a missing ingredient or a missing piece, you will fail because it is totally crucial to respect certain rules to convert your prospects into customers!

Explode your results, Find your Why!

To stay motivated and disciplined in your business you have to find your why! Have real goals. Find your deepest desire in your need for financial success.

The reason is that without this goal in mind you cannot visualise the finish line, so it is really crucial to visualise your success or the achievement of your goals.

To read Comment créer un site de commerce en ligne en quelques étapes simples ?

In short, with that in mind and the skills you will acquire by following this training, nothing will be impossible and you will be able to exceed your objectives!

Take action with a FULL programme!


Very honestly, I have bought a lot of training and I realise that this one really covers ALL areas of E-commerce Business in Dropshpping and beyond!

This ranges from the creation of the online shop with ShopifyI'm going to show you everything from finding the product, print on demand, legal aspects, taxation, marketing, branding, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Snapchat, Influencers, SEO, investing your money well... I show you EVERYTHING in the video below in this article.

There are also many speakers, all specialists in their field, such as:

  • Anthony Taylor, for Snapchat Ads and Ecommerce
  • Aymeric Chamard, for the Google Ads part
  • Alec Henry, who will give you the benefit of his expertise in Consulting
  • Florent Paita, expert on Intagram
  • Adam Ihya, branding expert
  • Manuel Gaudichon, expert in Print on Demand
  • William Martin, specialist in Offshore Tax
  • Bruno PereiraFacebook Ads expert
  • Henri de la Motte Rouge and Jean Philippe Touati, Two Lawyers Experts in Ecommerce and business law.
  • Arthur HocedezExpert in shop creation and influencer marketing
  • Dorian SavageCEO of a €1.6 million brand
  • Axel BrudermannExpert in Dropshipping High-Ticket (selling very expensive products)
  • Peii HenryExpert in SEO
  • Steeven KrantzExpert in Banking (sponsorship for Neo-Banks)
  • Marc MasureExpert in Financial Management

The good thing is that this training goes beyond dropshipping. We also give you tons of tips on how to invest your money wisely and continue to prosper.

We also note the presence of 2 specialised lawyersalso present on the Facebook group. It's all very reassuring, isn't it?

To read Pourquoi Shopify est-il une solution SEO réellement optimisée ?


In this video I'll show you all the content you'll have access to as soon as you take action. As you'll see it's quite impressive and very dense. But believe me, you'll get information that no one gives you for free...

Lucas Bivert Scam? Is it worth investing in this training?

When you see the number of testimonies from people who have followed his training, it is clear that it is no longer a scam. 

Training is one thing but only you and your massive action can make a difference!


lucas bivert testimony opinion



Do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have in the comments of this article, I will be happy to answer you!

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