
How to sell your house easily and quickly?

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Today's buyers are more demanding, more informed and give much more thought to their decision. In many cases, and for many families, this will be the biggest investment of their lives. So they are looking for a home that has all the features they need. Read on to find out how to make the most of your chances.

Correctly valuing the house

This is probably the most important factor. Depending on the quality of your home's materials and finishes, its size, layout and location, your home has an estimated price. It may be higher or lower depending on these variables; but within that range, you can make the difference by choosing a price slightly above market value, pricing it exactly right or adjusting the price below market. A good tip is to check the prices of other properties similar to yours on property portals or visit other houses close to yours, to get an idea of the price levels in the area and compare yours. It is strongly recommended that you seek assistance in estimating the price of your home. To do this, you can make a online property valuation thanks to YouLogeYou, an online real estate agency that offers a service for this.

Preparing the property

You will agree that there is only one chance to make a good impression. If you have decided to sell your home, you need to take this into account because if your home is not staged, it will be much more difficult to sell. With a little investment and attention to detail, you can make your home much more attractive to visitors and therefore sell it faster and for a higher price. You need to gut your house, depersonalise it as much as possible, paint the walls white and fix any small imperfections your house may have. You need to make sure that the future buyer can imagine living in the house when they see it. Every day it becomes more and more important, because of the existing competition and the demands of the buyers, to do a good home staging of your house to be able to stand out from all the others.

Making professional photos

Good photographs of your house for sale are essential to the process. These photographs must be honest: if you show enlarged and oversized images, you may get visitors but most of them will be disappointed when they visit the house, so it would be a waste of your time and money. To do this, the house should be tidy, clean, neat and above all de-personalised, as buyers want to imagine themselves living in that house, not yours. Family photos and any personal decorations should be removed. Whether you like it or not, photos are the most important thing in a listing, they are what will make the buyer want to read the description of your home and visit it.

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